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Try this Whole Body HIIT Workout — All You Need is a Mat, a Few Square Feet of Space, No Equipments. – Bodyweight Moves
HIIT Body Weight Moves Needs Just a Mat and a Little Space

Try this Whole Body HIIT Workout — All You Need is a Mat, a Few Square Feet of Space, No Equipments.

High Intensity Interval Training, as you know, is a method that involves alternating short bursts of intense exercise spiking your heart rate and burning your muscles with short rest periods.

This 12 minute HIIT program by certified trainer Luke Milton is worth a try.

The original article on livestrong.com can be found here. 

The Workout

For this workout, you’ll be doing two rounds of six exercises for 45 seconds each. Between each high-intensity exercise, you’ll rest for about 10 to 15 seconds.

You have to push yourself if you want to really get the benefits of HIIT. Stay as active as possible throughout the workout, moving between reps as quickly as you can, in order to shed calories and build strength simultaneously.

But also don’t forget to listen to your body: hit pause to rest if you need to until you’re ready to continue.

While many of the plyo movements in this routine are lower-body based, your upper body and core will love the spiderman push-ups and plank up-downs.

Move 1: Split Lunge

The standard lunge gives you strong glutes, taut hamstrings, powerful quads, a strong lower body, better balance and mobility. The split lunge is a more “stressful” version of the regular lunge.

Start with a standard lunge, stepping forward with your right or left leg. Jump into the air and quickly scissor your legs to land in a lunge on the opposite side, keeping your front knee directly over your ankle. As quickly as possible, rebound, jump back into the air and switch legs again, landing back in a lunge. Continue alternating legs.

The Reverse Lunge

The reverse lunge is a version of the lunge that is more knee friendly. See how it is done in the video below:

Move 2: Spiderman Push-Up

Begin in a high plank position, hands directly under your shoulders. Lower into a push-up as you draw your right knee up to your right elbow. Press into your palms, straighten your elbows and bring your foot back to the starting position. For the next push-up, bring your left knee to your left elbow. Alternate knees with each rep.

Move 3: Burpee

From standing, drop down into a push-up, letting your midsection touch the ground. Hop your feet up to your palms and return to standing. Using your body’s momentum, jump up into the air. As you land from your jump, drop right into the next push-up.

Move 4: Pop Squat

The pop squat is an explosive bodyweight exercise that targets the lower-body muscles. It is similar to a jump squat, but alternates between a narrow and wide stance with each jump.

Stand tall with your feet slightly wider than hip-distance apart. Sit your hips and glutes back and down until your thighs are parallel to the ground. Press into your heels and jump up, landing with your feet together. Jump back into the air and land right into your next squat.

To make this move even harder add a pulse at the bottom of your squat, rising halfway up and dropping back down.

Move 5: Plank Up-Down

Start in a forearm plank. Place your right palm on the floor, followed by the left, pressing your body up into a high plank. Then, reverse the motion and come right back down into your forearm plank. Alternate between the two as quickly as possible. Drop to your knees if you need to modify, Milton says.

Move 6: High Knees

High knees might seem like a simple exercise to perform, but as part of a high intensity interval training workout, this move gets your heart pumping, activates your lower body and core muscles, and leads to a quick sweat.

Begin running in place, bringing your knees up toward your chest as high as possible, alternating legs quickly. Swing your arms at your sides, using the momentum to help drive your knees higher. Scale it back to catch your breath by jogging in place, but return to high knees as quickly as possible.


Run through a few cool-down stretches after you finish. Even just three minutes of stretching post-workout can help reduce your risk of injury and ease any exercise-induced soreness.

Have you tried HIIT? It is not just an effective way to stay fit if you have little time for exercises , it is also one of the best ways to increase your metabolic rate and burn fat throughout the day.

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